Saturday, June 14, 2008

How to pass a breathalyzer.

Don't drink and drive but if you do...
I'm not pro drinking and driving many innocent people including children are killed every year by drunk drivers. Drinking and driving is unsafe selfish and stupid. If you are caught drinking and driving it could even ruin your life. Companys requiring you to drive are less likely to hire someone with a DUI/DWI on there MVR. the fines alone could reach into the thousands after its all said and done. After all this has been said about drinking and driving its not a good idea.

Who it will work for
Now if you've had about twenty beers and can't stand up forget it your going to jail. Although, if your situation is more as you been at dinner you've drank many drinks and are tipsy but in control or if you've are the DND for a group of people and you have drank a few, basicly 10 or less beers. You can pass a breathalizer.

What to do if you are pulled over on DUI/DWI
If you are pulled over and asked if you have been drinking say yes three beers officer. He will know anyways. comply with everything he says take his feild tests "walk the stright line do your best." none of this matters anyways the only thing that can send you to jail is blowing over a .08 on that breathalyzer. Now if you start liping off the officer by law can take you in and have you take a breathalyzer at the jail. So, be respectful because its no time to mess around.

How the Breathalyzer works
Tests for your blood alcohol content (BAC) However there is a way to lower the amount of detectable alcohol.

How to pass a Breathalyzer

By hyperventilating
For one minute before blowing take deep breaths in and out over and over dont let it be exstremely obvious if the officer asks your nervice and you have asthma
but say your alright to take the test tell him your alright just try not to make it to obvious.
you want to take the Breathalyzer test there get it over with you will pass..

Hyperventilating will fill you lungs with pure oxygen then before blowing into the Breathalyzer take one more deep breath and blow as the officer instructs trust it will work. And you'll no this when the officer reads the breathalizer and says the the second officer certified to give the test "Theres somthing wrong with this thing" you'll have to take a second Breathalizer test Hyperventilate and repeat the prosses.

Keys to Passing the Breathalyzer test.
Be respectful to the officer comply with every thing and your not really that drunk
2nd hyperventilate but dont let it be too obvious
Hyperventilate enough to were your hands are tingling and dont panic be cool you've had a few but know were near enough to be drunk.
3rd get that test over with blow into it deep breath blow all air in your cheaks then yourlungs blow as hard as the officer instructs.. if not you'll give an inacuret reading and thats refusale of test.

bottom line if you Drink and Drive you risk ruining your or someone elses life far more than any DUI/DWI, but for whatever the case if your faced with having to Blow into a Breathalyzer,
this is the way to pass that law enforcement does not want you to know.

Freedom of information